Labels:text | screenshot | menu OCR: Monster Media '94 - The BEST of 1994 MONSTER MEDIA 94 The COMPLETE Collection of Shareware from 1994! 3 Disc Set Discover thousands of commercial-quality programs for DOS, OS/2 and Windows. 1800 Megabytes of software in 90 directories covering everything for your personal and business needs. All programs were written / released in 1994. The Game Gallery Mystic RAPTOR WACKY BAYAN comers Boppin' DOOM Hocus Mystic Raptor Wacky Pocus Towers Wheels 3 Disc Set BBS Sysops: FILES.BBS, Spitfire and PCBoard file listings, and EZRom, ROMDoor and SFRom databases are provided. Monster Media, Inc. provides this collection of shareware for a distribution charge only. If you continue to use a program and find it useful, you may be required to to register with the author of that program. Please support the ...